
Giving Your Company the Leading Edge in a Global Market

Discover LACIA

Discover L.A.C.I.A – It is first and foremost a company created for the purpose of giving professional instruction of the Spanish language in all levels, as well as teaching the culture of the Spanish speaking countries.

Discover quality, academic excellence, accreditation, all basic curriculum reinforced to exceed requirements and standards allowing individuals involved in the Spanish language instruction to advance in their goals and skill acquired through their involvement in the programs that we offer.

We value knowledge and good instruction. We immerse students in the world of language and culture, because we believe that language is the most important tool to learn about a culture.

LACIA has the ability to offer many English or ESL classes. English classes are primarily designed for native English speaking people, while ESL classes are primarily designed for non native speakers of English.

LACIA has no current demand for English or ESL Classes at this time, therefore we do not currently have any English/ESL classes. If you have a need for any of these classes, Contact us. We can add classes at any time based on your needs.