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The program Voces en Acción (VEA) or Voices in Action (VEA) founded  under the leadership of Dr. Arcea Zapata de Aston, is working thanks to the One Time Grant: Girls of Color Voice and Vision, from Kentucky Foundation for Women, and it has as a goal to generate effective and attractive instances of cultural participation through the artistic workshops whose drive are to maximize a conscience around its culture, identity, and territory and with this, to promote processes of leadership and empowerment for  young women living in a hostile and patriarchal society. This program involves young women, Latin women, and women of color (whose communities continue to be considered marginal communities) in artistic activities, including music, painting, dance, theater, culinary identity, photography and creative writing; in order to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to be a guidance for other young Latin women or other minorities in their communities.

VEA views and understands the artistic practices as valid and powerful spaces to funnel not only the messages and contents but rather to push on with profound processes of social transformation. In this sense, the program defines some goals that have to do with the typical dimensions of being and to be in the world since this concept has a different impact for women in the patriarchal field that is burdensome and full of stereotypes. Therefore some of the questions that we will attempt to answer through diverse experiences of formation and cultural mediation are the following: who am I? How do I see the world? What is my truth today and what do I want?


This project is subsidized by Kentucky Women Foundation, KWF, in partnership with Educational and Cultural Advancement for Latinos, INC.  (EDUCA) and the Owensboro Museum of Science and History,(OMSH). It is also sponsored by L.A.C.I.A., Languages and Culture in Action, LLC.